


中国国际贸易促进委员会研究院(简称“中国贸促会研究院”,英文简称CCPIT Academy),是中国贸促会直属的研究机构,致力于打造具有中国特色和国际影响力的经贸类智库,立足学术,服务政府,代言工商。



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The Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, or CCPIT Academy for short, is a research institute directly affiliated to the CCPIT. CCPIT Academy is a Chinese economic think tank with global influence. Leveraging our strength in academic research, we provide services for governments and enterprises and speak for the business communities.

Our Vision:CCPIT Academy aims to foster a team of first-rate academic researchers, produce first-class research reports and host world-class conferences and forums.

Our Mission:CCPIT Academy conducts research in a wide range of areas, including global economic governance, international trade and investment, and domestic markets, to serve China’s economic development and international exchange. We also undertake research projects entrusted by multiple clients such as international organizations, governments at various levels, CCPIT and its branches, as well as enterprises. As a think tank, we provide advisory services in fields like national strategy and policy formulation, regional planning, industrial development, and business management.

贸促会研究院(www.ccpit-academy.org) 京ICP备17009116号      访问统计: